Filing a New Trademark Application

Debbie Collins
Website Designer

Debbie Hawkes
Website Designer
Filing a New Trademark Application

We create websites utilizing the current top of the line website building tools, such as DIVI and WordPress.
Online filing:
– $330 for the first class of goods or services
– $100 for each additional class of goods or services
Filing in any other case:
– $430 for the first class of goods or services
– $100 for each additional class of goods or services
Your registration is valid for 10 years, and you can renew the registration every 10 years thereafter.
Renewal requested online:
– $400 for the first class of goods or services
– $125 for each additional class of goods or services
Renewal requested in any other case:
– $500 for the first class of goods or services
– $125 for each additional class of goods or services
Payments by cheque or money order can be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.
Online payment modes: credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express only) or deposit
CIPO strongly recommends using the Fee Payment form for all fee payments submitted by mail,
facsimile, or hand delivery.
It is not mandatory to hire a trademark agent. Nonetheless, trademark registration can be a
complex process. An experienced agent can save you time by helping you prepare a complete
application as well as perform more comprehensive research and potentially assist you in opposition
and summary expungement proceedings. CIPO provides a list of registered agents, but cannot
recommend any particular one to you.
The time required to register a trademark can vary. Please note that the Office is currently
experiencing delays that are beyond the usual service standards. To see how an application
is processed (with references to average delays), please consult the IP Roadmap and How your
trademark application is processed.
For further information on trademark registration, we suggest you consult A Guide to Trademarks,
the IP Roadmap, How your trademark application is processed and the Goods and Services Manual.
Registering your trademark in Canada protects your rights in Canada only. If you plan to sell your
products or services in other countries, you should consider applying for foreign registration in each
country where you conduct business. For more information, please refer to the International
Trademarks under the Madrid Protocol or contact a trademark agent. You can also contact the IP
office of the country in question to find out about procedures. Links to foreign intellectual property
offices can be found on our website at:
nsf/e ng/h_wr00027.html#international.
Client Service Centre
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada
Place du Portage 1
50 Victoria Street, C-229
Gatineau QC K1A 0C9